Wednesday, October 29, 2008

It's been 10 years?! I can't believe it... a decade, ten years, 120 months, 520 weeks, 3650 sleeps blah, blah, yada, yada.

It's been 10 years since we moved to Brantford. As I was thinking about that this week many memories rolled through my brain ...some pleasant, some otherwise!

We didn't move here on a whim, we talked about it alot, we prayed about it alot, we inquired of the Lord and we really felt like it was the direction of the Lord (and we still do). However, I think it's probably good that God didn't fill us in on everything that this decade would hold because I'm not so sure I would have moved here. You know, you would like to think God could show you the future (for good or bad) and you'd still walk unswervingly into it, but who knows?

Less than a year after we moved here, the Lord began to speak to me about Brantford becoming the "city of God". In the Bible and throughout history, there have been places on the Globe that God has so transformed that they became known as "the city of God", maybe not by name, but by experience.

Do we believe that this is possible? Can we think that BIG to imagine such a thing? And, can we believe for it to happen here and now?

Perhaps more importantly, if we do believe it, are we willing to do whatever it takes in partnership with God and His plans to see it happen?

I hope so because He has BIG plans for cities!

I hope so because His desire is that no one misses out on His love!

I hope so, I don't have many decades left.


Dave Carrol said...

10 years in... but in many ways... we're just getting started. Wow...

actually it's better that you didn't know.

Adam said...

Brian, what have you experienced so far that makes the biggest impact on the city as far as bringing it (us) closer to God?