Lead, follow or get out of the way...
"Oh here we go again, another leader talking down to the followers, another bash on the little guy, another regal attempt to chastise the downtrodden serfdom."
Actually this is none of the above. It is a simply plea to people to get in the game, find their position and play it.
Let me explain what I mean. I strongly believe that every person has a "position on the team", a "destiny", "a mission from God" (come on - even the Blue's Brothers knew that). I also believe that it is each person's personal responsibility to passionately seek after and find this mission, so they can then live it out with passion.
This "mission" is much easier to find than most would admit (possibly since to admit how easy it is would presume that I have to do it after I find it) and is based largely out how you were wired when you were made.
Do you like being in front of people - speaking, encouraging and leading? - then you're a leader - do it!
Do you like being behind the scenes, working the details out, making sure the chairs are in correct rows? - then you're a follower - do it!
Do you have things in your life that are presently leaving you with the inability to fulfill your function and you recognize that you need some time to re-evaluate, reconsider and re-focus? - then get out of the way - do it!
Please understand, I have purposefully oversimplified life for the sake of time. I do understand the intricacies and complications of life that can entangle us, but at the risk of sounding callous - that's just life and when life happens, real leaders lead, real followers follow and at times both types of people need to get out of the way (in a good way).
And... in all of this we must realize that none of these positions are better or worse than any other - they just are! However, if we fail to realize who we are and where we are, it will inevitably lead to a break down in either relationship or function (or both).
AND ...if we're really honest and realistic - we will realize don't have time to waste time!
Lead, follow or get out of the way!
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