TGIM - Thanks God it's Monday.
Monday gets a bad rap, but for me it's one of my favourite days of the week.
This past weekend could have been an intense roller coaster ride had I let it. Reports of wonderful news to very challenging news; from broken relationships to renewed relationships from the past; announcements of new life, to a life that ended too soon.
Years ago, I determined that I would not make any serious decisions while either on an extreme high or extreme low (the roller coaster). A time of significantly heightened emotion is not good ground to stand on when jumping out into the unknown.
Around the same time I learned of a few things that you can depend on, no matter the situation.
Firstly, God's character. He doesn't change... period!
He is good - so He can't be bad.
He is wise, so He can't make a poor decision.
He never leaves us , so we're never alone.
Next, Good friends. They don't change either. While they will never understand everything we face (and we shouldn't expect them to) they are ALWAYS there. And that is really the point, at the times of deepest emotion nothing needs to be said - and that's probably for the best.
And finally - for this post anyway - Good Coffee. Sorry, I know you were expecting something more spiritual. But it really is. While taking time for a great coffee, you can reflect on God and friends and then everything comes back into perspective.
What you're facing is seldom as bad or as good as you first think it is.
Step outside the situation, take a deep breath (or 10), trust God, confide in friends and have a coffee.
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